Sunday, October 21, 2007

Visiting The Pumpkin Patch

On Saturday we took Matthew to a pumpkin patch so he could choose his own pumpkin. I am trying to convince Marc that we should carve it into a jack-o-lantern. (So far he is not in agreement.) But I think Matt would love watching his dad carve a face in the pumpkin...not to mention how much fun he would have playing with the messy pulp! Of course, anyone who knows Matthew also knows that he does not like his hands to get messy.
Anyway, we had a great time at the pumpkin patch. Matthew loved petting the animals. They had a piglet, a goat and several others. We also took him on a hay ride. His favorite thing was playing peekaboo between two trees. Before we leaving I let Matthew choose his pumpkin and of course he chose one of the biggest they had.

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