Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Lost Toothbrushes

Okay...I know...still no pictures. I really am sorry. Maybe this weekend I will get a chance to post pic's until then...hope this story will give you a little insight into life at the Russell house these days.

Yesterday morning when Marc was getting ready for work, (I had already left the house for school and Marc was attempting to get himself ready for work and Matt ready for the babysitter's house. Thank you Marc, for always taking care of Matt in the mornings. You are AWESOME!!) Matt somehow got a hold of both of our toothbrushes. Marc saw him run off with toothbrushes in hand while he was shaving.

After putting down his razor he walked down to Matt's room hoping to find the toothbrushes still in Matt's hand. Of course, by this time Matt had already tired of playing with Mommy and Daddy's toothbrushes and was busy playing with something else. Marc asked him "Matt where are the toothbrushes?" Matt responded with his arms up in the air (and very matter of factly may I add) "All gone!" And he went about his business.

Marc never did find the toothbrushes. I wonder if they are in the same place as my missing sunglasses??

Life with a two year old! It doesn't get any better (or comical) than this!

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